What are we doing when we're not working?
Especially during the pandemic?

We're making little videos, taking pictures, flying our drones ot we're riding our moto guzzi. Or - we are making some music. Since November 2022 I'm even jaming with a band in munich.

Thanks to Covid - we were able to save some bucks. And spend them, too.


Welcome to the Becker's Website!

Vacation 2021 is on the way. We are currently planning and organizing the trip.

It looks like Corona is changing our plans again. So we are thinking of a motorcycle trip through Germany this year. Stay tuned.

The motorcycle has been fixed, see here:



April 2021 - The Guzzi is back on the road again.guzzi

Finaly on April 9th we picked up the bike from the motorcycle dealer.

It took more that a month pure labour time to get it fixed.

Check out the latest video we took March 29.of the drone! Filmed in Jarezöd, Grosskarolinenfeld.rot animation

This article is in german and describes why corona is even worse than the flu. I'll provide some translation later.

Uniklinik: Covid-19 gefährlicher als Grippe

Mit einer neuen Patientenstudie hat die Uniklinik Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) bestätigt, dass eine Covid-19-Infektion wesentlich gefährlicher ist als eine saisonale Grippe. Unter den immungeschwächten Patienten und Patientinnen hatten diejenigen mit einer Covid-19-Infektion mit 33,3 Prozent eine höhere coronavirus dark 1200x800
Krankenhaussterblichkeit als die Patienten mit saisonaler Influenza (11,6 Prozent).